POETIC PIECE_ 18th of Never ~ an Om ॐ for Infinite Ones ∞ —

an #OM ॐ
that impossibly #INFINITEONE ∞ —
that quasi #YINYANG ☯
that inconstant #MOON 🌙
that ever-distant #STAR ☆
that bittersweet #HEART ♡
that bewildered #FLOWER ❀

&⅋ yes ,
they know •
they have known •
they will always know •
neither betwixt, nor between
neither hither, nor yonder
neither right, nor untrue
simply one star-entangled other
knowingly ensnared by another

both feel it
each & every 18th of Never
because it will have been
just a tad more than forever
their spells long cast and faded
nights’ candles presently burned down and away
with perhaps no lingering, nor pining, nor ill-feeling, nor regretting
just an Om between these infinite ones ∞ —
not much, a.d.o.
{memoirs of an angel faery witch}
18th january

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CONNECTING_lessons, stories, loves, losses ~ HELLO 2014

Cheers and Thank You to all the people
who incited me, who enlightened me,
who drove me crazy, who pulled me deeply,
who rejected me, who accepted me,
who learned from me,
and who taught me lessons,
while accompanying me (even if but for a short while) on this journey.
I have been inspired by several of you to write many words in my many stories.
And I love writing new books, new stories, with new words and new experiences.

Even tho we may not be interconnected now,
we shall always be connected by our stories,
and immortalized by our words written and spoken and sung afterward.

> sarah nean bruce​​ ❤ 2014-01-01

(Inspired by Marc and Angel Hack Life – 8 Dangerous Things We Teach Each Other)

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